Aug 28, 2011

2012 Seniors Rock Contest!

All 2012 Seniors that get their pictures taken by

Will be entered into a CONTEST to win a fabulous package!

The Rockin' Package includes:

*30 FREE Graduation Announcements


*24 Wallets of your favorite poses to give to your friends


*Two 5x7s

*Two 8x10s

AND if that's not enough......

*An album with all of your senior portraits

That's over $250 worth!!

Here's how it works.....

On October 8th,
your favorite pose will be posted on Facebook.

You will then have till Halloween to get as many of your friends and family to
First: "like" Amber Hall Photography on Facebook,
then "like" YOUR Senior picture.

The photo with the most "likes" by October 31st will win the Rockin' Seniors Package!

It's that simple!!  

Contest provided by:
  Amber Hall Photography,

The senior with the most "likes" wins!
Go to
Amber Hall Photography  to vote.

You don't want to miss out on this Rockin' Contest!

1 comment:

Larsen said...