Jul 22, 2010

The D Family {Rigby Idaho Photographer}

Yes, I am still alive. I know it's been a long time. I had to blow the dust off my camera to take this photo shoot.
Actually, I went to get my camera cleaned right before this shoot and they asked me if I was having problems with blurry pictures.
I thought about it and then said, "I have never really liked this camera as much as my last one cuz I felt like the pics weren't as clear as they should be."
They told me that the glass that covers my mirror is scratched or has dust on it. You can only see it with a microscope, but they showed me and they are there! About 5 of those little buggers.
They told me that it is a manufactory defect. That the only way those things could have gotten there was when the camera was built.
So needless to say, I need to take this straight to Canon. But in the meantime, I had a family session and a wedding next weekend. I guess I will have to rent a camera.
So here are the pictures that I took with my defective camera.
I have always been disappointed with my pictures, and chalked it up to me needing more lessons on how to focus, but now that I know its the camera (and maybe me a little), it frustrates me to the max!!

Anyway, this sweet family are my favorite!! These girls are my kids' favorite babysitters and I just admire the whole dang family.
I was so excited when they asked me to take their family pics. The oldest is leaving for college and she claims she won't come back to visit for a very long time. (We will see)
I will miss her terribly. So will the kids.

I truly hope that when my kids are teenagers, I am just as good of a parent as these two are. Their kids reflect what great parents they have been.
Love you guys to pieces!!

And one more time, then I will get off my soapbox.
Maybe I am too critical about my own work, but I can't say it enough:


Larsen said...

What a bummer that you need a camera repair or a new one....

I haven't talked to you in a hundred years. Still want blog help? Family pic of your own??

Call me lady!

Larsen said...

Oh, and I really REALLY love the family pic with the window and the one with the wood stairs and door and metal barn/shed....very cool I have a hard time getting a nice vertical family or group look. You did great!